Thursday, October 11, 2012

November 14 Workshop

We will resume our investigation of static & dynamic pages in WordPress.  A static page is equivalent to a normal webpage & changes to it are infrequent.  Whereas, a dynamic page is a blogging page where posts are added to it on an on-going basis.  This concept was not clearly defined in the last workshop & we will attempt to resolve it.

Then we will continue following the textbook & cover the following:
  • Categories & Tags
  • Working with the Text Editor
  • Creating Lists
  • Adding a new page

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 10 Workshop

We will be continuing with our study of the WordPress blogging system which we will use to build a website.

In this second in the series workshop, will be slightly different than the first.  Based on comments from attendees, this workshop will not only cover the use & features of WordPress but at the same time we will be building a website from scratch.  This website will be used to demonstrate the topics as described in the textbook we are using.   Topics for this workshop will include:

  • Getting started - installing WordPress
  • Categories & Tags
  • Working with the Text Editor
  • Creating Lists
  • Adding a new page

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The workshop is considered to be a beginners workshop.